Ring Ventures
Network-powered venture capital with fellow Texas A&M Former Students.
- HomeA community of Texas A&M Former Student investors, entrepreneurs, and friends
- HomeRaises and invests a new fund every year
- HomeInvestors gain membership to the fund’s Venture Club, with exclusive engagement, learning, and networking opportunities
- HomeNotable investments: Venus Aerospace
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Fund 1
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Ring Ventures News
Content at the intersection of entrepreneurship, venture capital, and our shared alma mater.
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- HomeFund Policies
Meet the Team
Your classmates and community members who wake up everyday to assemble a great venture portfolio.
- Fund Team
- Venture Advisors
- Venture Fellows
The Ring Portfolio
We invest alongside other established venture firms in a broad range of ventures to help build you a diversified venture portfolio.
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- HomePerformance data
- HomeSpeak with our team
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